Heroes III of Might, Magic and TD Fantasy Tower Defense strategy games & offline
Tower defence game, where instead of epic battle towers there are creatures from the Heroes III universe.オリジナルのオールドスクールターンベースのRPGゲームヒーローズ3とヒーロー2のすべての派ionsは、強力なヒーローと将軍をアップグレードし、遺物のアーティファクトを着用し、魔法の本から強力な呪文を学び、あなたの軍隊をファンタジータワーディフェンス戦略ゲームのゲームで無限の戦いに導きます。 And it's all based on the legendary series of hardcore turn based strategy game with might and magic epic heroes.
Our Heroes 3 TD fantasy tower defense strategy games offline free - a strategy where epic battle towers look like powerful monsters. Clash will be held between 8 fantasy factions familiar to you from the old-school turn based rpg game Heroes 3 and 2.
You will play endless battle against one of the fantasy factions:
- Dungeon. Defend the frontiers of your realm from the darkness unlimited dungeon creatures from abandoned caves with mighty dragons and minotaur.
- Necropolis with endless legion of undead and zombie tsunami from an abandoned wasteland In the undead world.
- Inferno. Endless horde of darkness demons and devils from badlands hell in Inferno.
- Conflux. A unique fantastical world of powerful elemental monsters. Fire and Ice elementals will smite you if you wouldn't have prepared to our td offline strategy game.
彼らはあなたが王様(または皇后)であるあなたの平和なファンタジー王国をつかみ、あなたをsmiteり、あなたのヒーローと彼の弟子たちを奴隷に変えることにしました。 Be the defender, save your castle and kill them.
Like fantasy td defence games offline free about medieval ages? Then this fantastic strategy game with lots of strategic decisions for you.
Get ready for an epic adventure. Choose mighty heroes, expose defences of your battle towers.古代の剣、盾、鎧のような遺物のアーティファクトであなたの強大なヒーローを装備し、魔法の本から強力な呪文を準備してください。
• 4 epic TD battle campaigns: against horde of Minotaur s from the Dungeon and dragons from abandon tower. Hordes of zombies, bloodthirsty vampires and legion undead from the Necropolis, horde of enemies like devils and demons from the Inferno.
• Tons of ancient artifacts to evolve heroes and increase your skills of war and money, might and magic, leadership and defence mastery.
• Over 56 different enemies. That horde of enemies will rush your medieval ages fantasy kingdom to smite you and turn your disciples into slaves. From Minotaurs to Dragon, Fantastic Beasts with offensive and castle defence skills! (Beware of the Necromancer, Black Dragons and Devils!) You will enjoy the most addictive epic td strategy games ever!
• 84 idle TD defence towers with might and magic skills will help you to stop horde of enemies in this pve strategy games. All idle TD battle towers is familiar to you from the hardcore old-school turn based rpg strategy game Heroes 5
• Choose your idle TD Hero! You can play with 40 legendary heroes and generals. Choose your champion to lead your idle TD defence towers to the victory! Legendary heroes and generals have unique specialties that fit different play styles! One epic hero is a mage with ancient knowledge, and other a mighty warrior with might, fighting and epic tower defense skills.
• Battle magic of the 4 elements: ice and fire, air and earth
• Craft ancient artifacts which increase your might, magic and tower defence skills.
• Are you up for a real challenge?ハードモードで行く!
• Endless battle in Deathmatch mode.
• Герои Меча и Магии 3, Герои 3
If you like epic games about the medieval ages our TD tower defence offline games for free will not leave you indifferent.
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